My mom started taking ashtanga yoga classes a few weeks ago. Now she's totally hooked! I practice ashtanga myself and am thrilled that she has started practicing as well. So....what do you get for a new yogi? A yoga mat of course!
Jenn taught me how to crochet so I made my mom a yoga mat bag. Yeah, I know, it's not the best example of crochet....but I think my mom will like it. are some pictures.
This is the mat...notice sweet Murbella...she can't wait to get her claws into it.
That is such a fantastic gift idea. I never would have thought about being able to make a yoga mat.
Hi your mom is cool!! My mom would never practice yoga!
Anyway, the pink blogs I am referring to are "I luv yoga" (luvyoga.blogspot) and "I luv yoga boyz" (iluvyogaboyzboyz.blogspot - the two boyz is not a typo). There is also one by someone named "Kiki" but it only has one post. Anyway, I think they're all the same idiotic person. Not funny at all...
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