A group knitting blog.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Sock knit-along update

How goes the sock knitting for the knit-along?

I have one sock down and am cranking away at another. Don't worry if you aren't that far along. I had a head start. Now my desire to finish a pair is pushing me to zip through this second one.

I began sock knitting as a doubter. It seemed awfully difficult. Although some people swear by it, I wasn't so sure that it would hold much interest for me, especially since the knitted socks I was seeing on blogs were all sorts of crazy colors or had frou-frou accoutrements that I would never make or wear.

By no means have I become a member of the sock knitting cult, but I can say that I like making them, just not as a primary knitting project. Socks have provided a good challenge for me, and I'm pleasantly surprised that I've been able to meet it.

I had no preconceptions of what I could or couldn't do when I started knitting, but if pressed for an answer, I probably would have limited my abilities to basic squares or long rectangles--scarves and dishcloths, in other words. I'm still pretty green when it comes to knitting, but one of the most satisfying things is discovering that I can do things like socks that would have seemed impossible to me a month or two ago.

If you're working on yours, hang in there. If you haven't tried, why not give it a shot?

Addendum: My progress just took a major hit.


donnadb said...

I did the short-row toe for Coupling before I left on vacation, started the lace part while there, made a mistake I couldn't recover from, frogged the whole thing, practiced the lace part for a repeat and a half, unravelled and started the toe over. Toe is done, awaiting a concentrated knitting moment when I can start on the lace part again.

You know, I only decided to try these because they were labelled "mellow." Somebody screwed up at Knitty headquarters -- they're now (correctly) labelled "tangy." But it's my first lace and my first adult socks, and darn it, I'm going to get it done!

Meanwhile, however, I've learned enough crochet to start on the finishing work for CG's Victoria. The fitting should take place this weekend! Socks schmocks!

the secret knitter said...

Hmm, the Knitty pattern for mine is rated "tangy", but I'd say it's definitely "mellow" compared to the Coupling.

Way to go with the other project. I expect pics will be posted in the near future.