A group knitting blog.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Sock Knit-Along!

I've been fumbling my way through the sock knitting process, and I could use some company as I attempt to make adult-sized socks. Jenn suggested a knit-along, so what better people to do that than with you all? (Can I get away using that colloquialism as someone north of the Mason-Dixon line?)

I don't really know how KALs work. I assume that individuals agree to knit something at the same time and share their progress, questions, and results. Sounds easy enough.

Jenn has provided some helpful links in the sidebar if sock knitting is new to you too. I used a baby sock pattern to make practice socks. Although my first had some issues, it had a definite sock-ness. The second practice sock came much more easily to me. (From casting on to sewing in the ends, I completed it in about three and a half hours.)

I struggled to understand how to pick up stitches until I went here. The page also links to a video that cleared up my questions and should be beneficial for other new sock knitters.

I'm using this pattern for the socks I'm making myself. Unless you're already well stocked with needles and know the gauge of your yarn, I recommend picking your pattern first. Trust me, it's easier matching the materials to the pattern than vice versa.

I'll be posting updates here and at my blog. If I can do it, so can you. Are you ready to join in the fun?

1 comment:

Amanda D Allen said...

I would love to be part of a sock KAL. It would be my first sock. I don't know when I'll be able to get my hands on some sock yarn though. My LYS just changed up their hours. I'll try to make it there soon.